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Our natural resources are limited.

Their operations must be  reasoned and correctly remunerated.

Their exports must promote the development of emerging countries.

The fight against their waste must be  fierce.

Obsolescence  programmed must be  prohibited and fought.

!?! Need to create an independent police of states and multinationals!?!


Global warming requires us to make an urgent transition.

Everything must be  implemented  to limit the use of fossil fuels and promote renewable energies.

The plan for Europe limits this transition to a matter of cost. It is inadmissible to favor oil, coal or gas by simple stories of profitability or growth.

Tidal turbines or other energies  renewable , require a substantial, profitable and responsible investment.

The consumption of local products reduces our carbon footprint, improves our sovereignty and must  to be  privileged.

EMPLOYMENT, Work / Capital Balance:

Better paid work sustains growth and promotes human development.

Tax evasion is neither fair nor ethical, it accentuates inequalities and must be  eradicated.

A limit to capitalism must be  found to maintain global stability (taxation of financial exchanges, limitation of profits to a decent rate).

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