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By retting (maceration), crushing and scutching the long fibers of the stem (the bark) are separated then  combing allows the fibers to be  woven.

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Recognized as being a very good insulator, hemp wool is used like that of linen, cotton and wood in roofing, wall lining and on the ground.

Insulation made from the fibers and straw of hemp comes in panel, roll, felt or bulk. 

bricks or concrete  hemp are made from hemp mixed with lime.

Hemp has acquired for ten years a preponderant place in the field of eco-construction and natural insulators.

Good to know: To build a 120 m² house, you need 1 hectare of hemp which absorbs 10 tonnes of CO² for its growth!


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The incorporation of plant fibers (wood, flax, hemp) in thermoplastic or thermosetting materials to replace glass fibers is a concept already industrialized and marketed. These composites are found in garden furniture, cladding, baseboards and door frames, interior trim parts for French and foreign brands. Among the various fiber sources used, hemp is particularly efficient thanks to the mechanical properties of its long fibers, but also to the agronomic qualities of the plant. In collaboration with the Chanvrière de l'Aube, Agro-industrie research and development (ARD) and AFT plasturgie, leader in France for the use of hemp in plastics, researchers at INRA in Reims are studying the properties of fibers as well as the suitability of hemp for processing for the production of composite materials. Source "Futura sciences"


The seeds rich in protein, omega 3 and 6, minerals and vitamins have a large number of food uses:

     -seeds to germinate  

     -flours (breads, pasta, cakes ...)



The scented flower is used in the making of beers.





Introduction. Rational

The current development of the pharmaceutical industry and the permanent introduction of new chemical preparations into clinical practice raise questions such as complications during antibiotic treatments, the development of resistance of the pathogenic microflora to medical preparations, allergies of the drug. organism, pathologies related to the use of drugs and many other complications. This has led to the search for a new medicinal preparation that is safe, highly effective, ecologically pure and relatively inexpensive. Our attention turned to a process that was once widely used in folk medicine, i.e. hemp oil (Cannabis sativa L.).


We want to highlight the fact that hemp seed and oil have a significantly different chemical composition (vitamin activity and antioxidant activity) than widely used oils like linseed, olive, sunflower, soybean and oil. of cotton.


For several centuries, hemp oil has been associated with the leading edible oils in Russia. The freshly squeezed oil has a slightly green color, due to the presence of chlorophyll. Hemp seeds contain 30-35% oil, which includes 4-10% saturated fatty acids and 70-85% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include omega 6 (w 6), such as linoleic acid (abbreviation LA 18: 2 w 6), gamma-linolenic acid (GLA 18: 3 w 6), as well as Omega 3 ( w 3), such as alpha-linolenic acid (LNA 18: 3 w3) and stearidonic acid (SDA 18: 3 w 3). The latter plays a special role in human metabolism even in amounts of 1% (Callaway et al 1996). The human body's dietary requirement for these acids is approximately 1 g.


Hemp seeds contain 1.39-2.6% phosphorus. Over 80% of total phosphorus turns into phytinum (organic phosphorus). Vitamins E and K, sterols and carotene have also been discovered in the seeds.

Hemp seeds contain 20-25% protein, which has been found to include all essential amino acids (Gorbacheva, 1980).


Unsaturated fatty acids are one of the essential factors of the human diet: they are necessary for the formation of cell membranes, the production of prostaglandins (local hormones), the formation of the structure of nervous tissues and the generation of energy. .

The catabolism (disassimilation) of fatty acids follows the type of b-oxidation (tricarboxylic acid) and it is of particular interest for energy production: the formation of ATP molecules occurs in amounts that far exceed those produced by the oxidation of glucose.


In the case of atherosclerosis, the beneficial effect of unsaturated fatty acids is due to their influence on the metabolism of proteins and lipids, particularly on the skin and the subcutaneous tissue. The oxidation of lipid free radicals is directly linked to the normal vital activity of cells and to the appearance, development and remission of several pathologies (Pluzhnikov et al., 1991).


We believe that special attention should be paid to unsaturated fatty acids present in hemp oil as antioxidants used in the treatment of various traumas. Biochemical and morphological experiments (Bezshapochny et al., 1991) have shown an intensification of lipid peroxidates (LP) in the case of traumatic lesions, caused by a series of factors such as psychogenic traumatic pain, blood loss, hypoxia , the inflammatory response in the traumatized area. The intermediate and final products of LPs are aggressive agents such as aldehydes, hydroperoxides, epoxides which cause inactivation and transformation of enzymes, as well as the accumulation of inert biopolymers. This process disrupts the process of restoring cells to the area of the lesion. In this case, the need for antioxidants (AO) capable of inhibiting LPs is greater and without this additional supply in the body, LPs increase. Intensification of LP processes leads to vascular problems and the development of thrombosis of capillary vessels, which aggravates disorders of microcirculation.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids accelerate the oxidation of saturated fatty acids in the body. In the case of insufficient unsaturated fatty acids, xeroderma, the appearance of eczema, hair loss and peeling of the nails are observed. Unsaturated fatty acids have been shown to be effective in preventing atherosclerosis because they facilitate the evacuation of cholesterol.


Unsaturated fatty acids are biogenic predecessors of prostaglandins. It is possible that the introduction of unsaturated fatty acids into the body stimulates the biosynthesis of prostaglandin and increases its influence on the most important human physiological processes, since prostaglandins participate in lipid metabolism, in the regulation of pressure arterial, renal blood flow, etc.


Treatment of patients with acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, butadione, etc. slows down the biosynthesis and functioning of prostaglandins. This can be remedied by the administration of unsaturated fatty acids.

Another important compound in hemp oil, tocopherols, discovered in the 1920s as the substance that protects animals from infertility.


Deficiency of tocopherols in the feed ration of animals leads to disturbances in protein and lipid metabolism and in certain processes of carbohydrate metabolism. Tocopherols protect many important parts of the body from oxidation, prevent capillary fragility and degeneration of the epithelium in the seminiferous tubules. Tocopherols block lipid peroxidation in cell membranes through the formation of the selenium complex - polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Vegetable oils contain vitamin E (tocopherols) in the form of the following seven compounds: alpha (a) -, beta (b) -, gamma (g) -, delta (d) -, epsilon (e) -, zeta (z) - and eta (h) - tocopherols. Alpha-tocopherol is the best in vitamin activity. As vitamins, tocopherols promote the accumulation of vitamins A and D and carotene in animal and plant tissues. On the other hand, delta-tocopherol is the best antioxidant (see Table 1).

There are four tocopherols in hemp oil: alpha, beta, gamma, delta. The percentage of tocopherols varies significantly depending on the ecotype of the hemp cultivar, the geographic location of the crop and the degree of seed maturity (see Table 2). The total tocopherols per 100 g of hemp seeds ranges from 46.6 to 75.7 mg.


In hemp oil grown in southern areas, 65% of the total tocopherols is alpha-tocopherol. This oil has a pronounced vitamin activity. Hemp oil grown in northern regions has a high concentration of delta-tocopherol (up to 25%). We assume that this oil has high antioxidant activity.

In Russian medicine, tocopherols are used in the form Tocopheroli acetas (or "Tocofer" internationally) for the treatment of muscular dystrophy, dermatosis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and other skin diseases, as well as myocardial dystrophy, liver disease, dermatomyositis, dysmenorrhea, treatment of miscarriages and disturbances in the functioning of the male genital glands. This last point should be particularly studied because, for several centuries, in many production regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the belief is widely held among peasants that the consumption of hemp seeds increases sexual function in the male and female maternity function (ie protection against the threat of miscarriage). We would like to draw the attention of modern medicine to this therapeutic potential of hemp oil.


Hemp seeds and oil do not contain cyanogenic glucosides, compounds that can be converted to cyanic acid by hydrolysis.


Cyanogenic glucosides are known in many varieties of crops. These are natural toxicants that are important in human and animal food: linamarin, linustatin and neolinustatin. These compounds have been observed in detail in flaxseed (G. Mazza and BD Oomah, 1995). The glucoside content in flaxseed cultivars ranged from 365 mg / 100g of flaxseed (cultivar NorMan) to 550 mg / 100g (cultivar Ando). Published human studies suggest that cyanogenic glycosides do not pose a significant health risk if you consume less than 50g / day of flaxseed, which provides enough alpha-linolenic acid and fiber. . But at larger doses, these compounds present in raw flax seeds are potentially toxic.


Hemp seeds have been used in human food for a long time in the territories of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia. Plots of land were specially cultivated for food, to produce hemp milk and roasted seeds. Hemp seed is rich in calcium, as well as phosphorus and iron, compared to other oil crops.


Table 5




Thus, the characteristic of hemp oil which makes it attractive for different medical applications lies in the combination of a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, with the unique g-linoleic, stearidonic fatty acid and tocopherols having a different activity. However, it should be noted that these compounds prevent the prolonged storage of hemp oil and that it should be used within 3-4 weeks after being pressed. However, this information also requires comprehensive medical and biochemical studies.



The worsening of the ecological situation, as well as the permanent introduction of new synthetic substances which can produce negative side effects, stimulate the search for new effective, accessible, natural, non-toxic and well-balanced alternative medical preparations. The study of the medical applications of
hemp continues.

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